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Bulleted List of All Patients and Their Email Addresses

Patient Information List in Dynamic Table Format

Patient Number Name Email Prescribed Condition Effectiveness Comments
1 Aurora Colorado 30303@30303.com Indica Psychological Very Get that Readers Corner going!
2 Snip Dogg mindmoney@420.com Sativa Pain Excellent Never Felt Better
3 C Flintstone aaa@aaa.com Indica Psychological Somewhat go home early
4 Diana Moonglow spacey1@galaxy.com Hybrid Pain Excellent Just keep doing what you're doing.
5 Beau Song hearingtunesinmyhead@musicworld.com Sativa Psychological Satisfactory Let me know when you have your next informational gathering.
6 Claude Swanson claudeswanson2005@yahoo.com Sativa Psychological Satisfactory A newsletter would be nice
7 April Weed aprilweed@420.com Sativa Psychological Satisfactory Get that reading library going again.
8 Zig Ziggy zz@ztop.com Indica Physical Excellent Munchie coupons
The total number of registered guests is: 8

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